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Dog Man Wiki

Ah, it's good to be king!

–-Old Mayor

The Evil Mayor is the main antagonist in the second chapter of Dog Man, Robo-Chief.


This mayor is a woman with dark brown hair and pale skin, donning a green long-sleeved shirt with a large, yellow letter "M," and purple shoes.

In the movie, she gains a collar and a swirly pattern on her dress, red lipstick, magenta sharp nails, black shoes with high heels, and the yellow M is a necklace.


Before Dog Man[]


Before Dog Man, she had somehow been elected mayor under the impression that she would be a nice leader. She had also met with Dr. Scum sometime as well.

Dog Man[]

She first appears in the chapter Robo-Chief, where she first enters Chief's office by slamming the door. She then shows Chief a couple of newspapers that consist of very bad things about Chief and threatens to replace him with a robot. She then leaves the cop station as Chief feels bad, but Dog Man is there and comforts Chief. However, he smells the fishy smell of evil. He then goes out the window and follows the mayor up to Robo-Time Industries. There, he learns about the evil plan to control the COPS by replacing Chief with Robo-Chief, a robot that will obey her every command. Then, she sends a can of Invisible Spray to Petey the Cat. Petey uses it to turn invisible and escapes jail.

Later, she shows Chief a newspaper that shows that Petey has escaped and fires him. She then brings in Robo-Chief and replaces Chief with him.

As she is now the ruler of the COPS, she sends Dr. Scum and his friends to create illegal shops (presumably to get rich). However, Petey (still under the effects of the Invisible Spray) notices and makes mischief by pulling customers' pants up and down, causing them to escape believing the stores are haunted. Dr. Scum then tells the mayor over the phone, and she sends Robo-Chief to destroy Petey. However, he is not able to succeed, as instead of destroying Petey, he destroys the shops and even himself.

Once learning about this, she had one final trick up her sleeve and sends Dog Man to stop Petey. Dog Man is able to successfully defeat Petey by spraying water on him, causing the invisible spray effects to get washed off, and Dog Man arrests Petey.


The Evil Mayor's plan being exposed.

She finally appears in the award ceremony to celebrate Dog Man for capturing Petey, where he shows the audience the video he made of the mayor and Dr. Scum discussing their evil plan. She is then arrested for her crimes and was sent to Mayor Jail.

Dog Man Unleashed[]

She reappears in the prologue of Dog Man: Unleashed as a cameo character along with Dr. Scum, Robo-Chief, and The Leader Hot Dog.

Dog Man Movie[]

In the movie, the Mayor is hinted at as being evil by doing things like demanding Dog Man be taken off the police force since Petey keeps escaping. She remains the Mayor at the end of the movie.


To see more of Old Mayor's quotes, click here.
